
When To Book Your End Of Lease Clean: Timing It Right For A Refund

End of lease cleaning plays a crucial role in bond money refunds. You should give your best to restore the rental property to its pristine condition. This will require time for planning, packaging, booking, etc. Starting early can help you get it done in time. The final result may not satisfy the landlord if done in a hurry. You should book for professional exit cleaning at least 4 weeks before the inspection. Check the lease agreement as well to see if there are any instructions. 

Move-Out Cleaning Timeline

You must outline a timeline when preparing for the final inspection. This will help you do everything in order and on time. Here is some guidance to help you with the schedule. 

Apartment move out cleaning

Start Planning Early

Moving out is a lot of work. You should start preparing with ample time in hand. Starting 2 months early is a good start. It will take some time to find the best cleaning company for booking. 

You should check their website, portfolio, and customer reviews, and ask for quotes. You will find multiple companies to help you with the cleaning. It’s better to check at least a few of them. This helps in cleaning cost estimation. 

Consider what kinds of cleaning they do, their contract conditions, etc. It will take much time to check them out. You can also discuss it with friends and family members. Ask them if they have any familiar cleaning companies. Doing proper research will help you find the right option for you. Starting early also helps you prepare the cleaning checklist properly. You can check and recheck to ensure everything is listed. 

Make Your Booking A Month Early

You should try to book a service at least 4 weeks before the end of the tenancy duration. Make sure to do proper research on the company before the booking. This ensures you are selecting the right company to meet refund eligibility criteria. Booking four weeks early will keep you stress-free. It ensures you have secured a spot with your preferred cleaning company. You won’t have to worry about the cleaning service availability at the last moment. 

Cleaners get booked quickly during the peak moving season. It becomes difficult to get a schedule. Besides, informing your cleaning company early helps them prepare. They can allocate sufficient time and equipment for the cleaning. Sudden booking leads to rushed work and more errors. 

Exit cleaning services

Don’t Opt for Last Day Cleaning

Check your agreement for end of lease cleaning schedule guidance. If it mentions nothing as such, you can decide the date yourself. The cleaning should be done before the lease expiration period. You had better not choose the final day of your lease. If the cleaning requires more than one day, you will be overstaying. This can affect your tenant-landlord relationship. 

Talk with your landlord regarding the final inspection. Keep that in mind when booking for professional cleaning. You will be in a messy situation if you book for professional service after the lease is over. Therefore, making the booking one month prior is a good solution. 

Book for professional service and ask them to begin the cleaning 2 to 3 days early. This will give them enough time to clean the house thoroughly and enough time for drying. When the landlord comes for an inspection, they will be happy with your effort. A good impression will benefit you in terms of tenancy deposit return, too. 

Keep Time for Repairing

Cleaning is not the only bond return condition. You also have to ensure nothing is damaged in the house. It may require some minor repairs and touch-ups. The mention of small damages in the inspection report can cost your deposit. You should schedule time for repairs before cleaning. Fix holes in walls, broken tiles, or leak faucets. 

Scheduling repairs before cleaning will help you maintain cleanliness. There can be some sort of mess during the fixing process. Floors and walls can get dirt, and you will have to clean them again. It will cost you extra time and extra work. Therefore, you should fix a date with the repair team first before having a date with the cleaners. It increases deposit refund chances and makes the move-out process smoother. 

Professional end of lease cleaning

Confirm Your End of Lease Cleaning Checklist 

Professional cleaning companies have an expertly made property inspection checklist. Still, you should make your list and compare both checklists. It’s okay if you have missed out on a few items. But if the professionals’ checklist misses any item, you should inform them. It will help them prepare to clean the item. 

Different houses are decorated differently. You may not have many things on the list. Strike them out and let the cleaners know. Make this comparison before the cleaning day; do it as early as possible. This reduces delays during the working time. 

Coordinate with Your Moving Date

You should maintain coordination between your moving and cleaning dates. You can plan your move out when planning about cleaning. If you are hiring truck or removalists, book them a couple of weeks early. This saves you from last-minute rush and stress. The removalists should arrive after the inspection, not during cleaning. Arrange the schedules accordingly. Check your lease agreement if there are any specific instructions for moving out date.  

Deep cleaning for moving out


How long does the end of lease cleaning take?

The duration depends on the vastness of your property. On average, it takes between a few hours to a whole working day for professionals. DIY cleaning can take more time. 

Can end-of-lease cleaning be done on the same day as the move-out?

Yes, end-of-lease cleaning can be done on the same day as the move-out. But it can be a chaotic experience. It’s better to plan your move out once the cleaning and the inspection is over. 

Do cleaning services offer flexible scheduling options?

Yes, many cleaning services offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate your needs. You can discuss it with them and find a suitable time for you and the cleaning company. 

Can I request end-of-lease cleaning during weekends or holidays?

Yes, you can request end-of-lease cleaning services during weekends or holidays. Many cleaning companies offer their services seven days a week. It includes weekends and holidays, too. 


Final Thought

End of lease cleaning requires a strategic approach to retain your deposit. You have to plan all the work properly so that there is no overlapping. Start planning early and book your preferred cleaners at least a month ago. Do thorough research before the cleaning contract. Affordable Cleaning and Gardening Service offers the best exit cleaning service in Parramatta. Our expert team uses only biodegradable and non-toxic products that are safe for humans and the environment. We also provide a 100% bond-back guarantee. Call 0481321530 to book your spot now.