
Steps to Prevent Dust Buildup in Your Bedroom

You spend a significant amount of your daily life in the bedroom. If it is full of dust, then you are inhaling them every second. This is bad for health and can trigger allergy or asthma symptoms. You may have tried to keep them clean, but it seems like bedroom dust is a never-ending tale. However, with a few tips, you can solve the problem. If they seem too difficult for you, you can opt for professional assistance. 

How Does Dust Accumulate in Your Bedroom?

Before discussing the solutions, you have to understand the root of the problem first. Why can you not keep the bedroom clean despite all the efforts? Maybe because you are not focusing on the real issues that contribute to dust accumulation in the bedroom. 

Shedding skin cells, hair, and clothing fibres contributes to dust accumulation in the bedroom. Besides, if you have puppies or other furry friends, they can be responsible, too. They often like to jump on the bed and other furniture in the room. 

The environment of the room can also contribute to dust stubbornness. High humidity makes dust feel clingy and harder to remove from the surfaces. With a few regular practices, you can get rid of dust accumulation in your bedroom. 

Prevent Dust Buildup in Your Bedroom

How to Prevent Dust Buildup in Your Bedroom?

It takes some work to have a dust-free and healthy bedroom environment. But the result is always peaceful and improves your quality of life. Pay attention to the following activities:

Weekly Bedding Wash

Dust builds up quickly on your bedding. To prevent this, you have to wash the sheets and pillowcases every week, along with the blankets and comforters.  According to Mayo Clinic, using hot water of at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit can kill dust mites. If possible, use allergen-proof covers for pillows and mattresses. Dust-proof bedding can make bedding maintenance easier and more effective. 

The pillows do not need cleaning so frequently. According to Consumer Reports, You need to clean them at least twice a year, but cleaning them every three months is a healthy frequency. will be okay based on the environment of your place. Regular cleaning of the bedding prevents skin infection and keeps asthma conditions under control. 

Keep the Carpets Clean

Carpets can hold a lot of dust. In fact, removing them can be a good step to keep the room less dusty. However, if you would like to have them in your bedroom, you must clean them on a regular basis, at least twice a week. Here is how you should do it:

  • Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to trap dust particles
  • Pay extra attention to corners and under furniture

If you have pets, you may need to vacuum more frequently to remove pet hair and dander. Sometimes, regular dusting and vacuuming aren’t enough. Consider a professional steam cleaning service every four to six months for. They use deep-cleaning methods to remove embedded dirt and dust. This helps keep your carpets fresh and reduce allergens.

Don’t Take Shoes to the Bedroom

You must make the bedroom a shoe-free zone to keep it clean. Leave your shoes at the door in a designated area. If you don’t like to walk barefoot, then wear indoor slippers. This simple habit prevents outdoor dirt from spreading to your bedroom. It also reduces dust from carpets and rugs and helps you with allergen control. 

Use Plastic Bins to Store Clothes

Pay attention to closets and dressers and keep them tidy. Clothes kept in closets tend to shed a lot of fibre. They can spread out to your room and make it appear dirty. A good way to prevent shedding is to use clear plastic bins to store clothes. Check on them regularly and dust them if needed. They keep the clothes safe from outside dust and are also easy to clean.  

Use a Damp Cloth to Clean Surfaces

You have to clean the surface areas of your bedroom regularly using a damp microfibre cloth. It picks up dust and helps you remove them. Microfibre clothes ensure that dust is removed instead of just moving it around. Use it to clean the surfaces of the dresser, vanity, window curtains, blinds, and other household dust sources.

Keep the Floors Clean

The floor of your bedroom needs regular sweeping or vacuuming. Try to do it at least twice a week. Here are some tips:

  • Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to trap dust particles.
  • Pay special attention to corners and under furniture.
  • Consider carpeting alternatives like hardwood or tile, which are easier to clean. Besides, carpets tend to draw more dust than other options. 

Reduce Upholstery Items

Upholstered furniture is the ones that you cover in fabric, padding, or leather. Sofas, chairs, and headboards etc., for example. Though they are stylish and comfortable, they often trap dust, pet dander, and allergens. 

Cleaning them is a crucial part of bedroom hygiene. However, cleaning would be much easier if you reduced the number of upholstery items. This will remove dust accumulation on them in the first place. Follow these decluttering tips for a healthier bedroom environment:

  • Start by sorting items into categories such as keep, donate, or discard. Keep only the items that you use regularly or truly cherish as memories. 
  • Utilise storage solutions like bins, baskets, and shelves to organise belongings.
  • You had better remove unnecessary furniture from the bedroom to create more space. 
  • Store seasonal items out of sight to minimise clutter. 

Buy A Dehumidifier

Dehumidifiers can maintain a naturally comfortable and healthy environment in your bedroom. They remove excess moisture from the air and prevent mould and mildew growth. Excess moisture in the air can attract dust mites and other allergens, causing allergy symptoms. 

Look for a humidifier with adjustable settings to customise the humidity control to your preference. Place it in areas prone to moisture buildup, such as near windows for the best result. 

Air Purifier

An air purifier is a valuable addition to your bedroom to improve air quality. It filters out allergens, dust, and pollutants. You can enjoy and experience a cleaner and healthier environment.  

When purchasing air purifiers, look for the ones with HEPA filters. HEPA stands for high-frequency particulate air. These high-quality filters capture particles as small as 0.3 microns. They can significantly improve indoor air quality. Combine air purifiers with vacuuming tips and a consistent cleaning schedule to minimise dust buildup in your bedroom. 

Add Houseplants

Houseplants are natural air purifiers for your indoor environment. They remove certain pollutants and increase humidity levels. They can collect dust from the air and prevent it from landing on the floor or other surfaces. Dust usually cannot harm houseplants apart from making them appear dull.

Bedding maintenance

Final Words

Dust in the bedroom can cause allergies, asthma attacks, respiratory issues, and discomfort during sleep. Hence, regular cleaning is crucial to maintain a healthy environment. Follow the above-mentioned steps to prevent dust buildup in your bedroom. 

A combination of both DIY and professional services can help you maintain bedroom health. If you are living in Sydney, you can contact our company Affordable Cleaning and Gardening Services for the best bedroom cleaning service. We offer customised home cleaning services with eco-friendly products and ensure a clean and healthy space.