
The Ultimate Guide To Cleaning Up After Holiday Parties

Holiday parties are often the best times of the year for many of us. However, the day after the party can be tiresome. A whole lot of cleaning awaits you. It includes cleaning the leftovers, the kitchen, and sanitisation. The floors, carpets, and sofas may also need some cleaning. All these tasks look overwhelming. With a few tips, your task could be a lot easier. So, stop worrying and read carefully so that your next post-party cleaning does not traumatise you. 

Post-Party Cleanup Tips for the Best Result

The worry of house cleaning often demotivates from arranging parties. But it is not so difficult. Note down the following tips for effective and easy party cleanup.  

Cleaning Up After Holiday Parties

Plan Before the Party

Make a good strategy before the party. You may not be able to think properly after the party night. Besides, the amount of tasks may make you tense and frustrated. Therefore, the best time to plan is before the party. First, think about your guests, decorations, and supplies. Create a checklist to stay organised. Choose methods for cleanup. Would you try DIY cleaning or hire a professional? The size of your party matters. 

Arrange the necessary cleaning supplies before the party. You should arrange for proper disposal, extra bags, and bins. Inform your guests about the disposals politely before the party. This will make the place less messy. 

Make A Checklist of Tasks You Need to Do

Now that the party is over, you should make a list of tasks at hand. Prevent yourself from starting working without having a list. This saves you from working haphazardly. You can prioritise important ones first. This also allows us to break tasks into small steps. You can track progress, and it motivates you. Divide the tasks if you have helping hands. The checklist will help you stay organised and efficient. Speed cleaning after events becomes easier with a clear plan. 

Take Down the Decorative Items

Remove the decorating items first. This will make the holiday party mess solutions easier. Divide them into two categories- reusable and the ones you need to throw out. Be careful when taking down streamers and balloons. Save reusable items and put them in storage. You can dispose of damaged decorations. 

Tidy Up the Furniture Items

You may have made some changes to your indoor decoration for the party. Guests may have also moved a few chairs, the sofa, pillows, and cushions. Reorganise them in their original places. Vacuuming or sweeping underneath the furniture will make cleaning the floor easier. Then, check for stains on upholstery. You should use appropriate cleaners for each fabric. Check each item individually, and they may demand separate cleaning methods. 

Start Decluttering Now

We Australians like to share gifts during holidays. About 75-80% of Australians purchase gifts during Christmas, according to the Australian Retailer Association. More gifts result in more wrapping papers, ribbons, and bubble wraps. So, you will have a lot of items to declutter. Pick up any litter, wraps, papers, confetti, etc. Using large bags makes the collection process easy. Other decluttering tasks include:

  • Gathering food leftovers and storing them in containers. 
  • Separating recyclables from trash
  • Removing empty bottles and cans
  • Putting away unused decoration

Decluttering will help you find lost items. Trash disposal after parties is simpler when the clutter is gone. 

Deep Clean the Kitchen and Pantry

The kitchen and pantry are the messiest parts after a party. You will have to deep clean and apply proper stain removal techniques. Gather all cleaning supplies. Try eco-friendly cleaning methods for effective dishwashing and other cleaning. They are safe to use in kitchen items and don’t cause any harm to any items. Empty and wipe down all shelves in the pantry. 

Focus on the Floors and Mats

The floors get dirty and messy with Spills and crumbs. You need to clean spills as easily as possible. It becomes difficult to clean once spills get dried. Use these carpet cleaning hacks for tough stains:

  • Vacuum all the carpets and rugs
  • You must avoid using harsh chemicals. Baking soda and vinegar work properly without damaging the carpets. 
  • Spot clean spills immediately. It gets difficult when the stain sets in.
  • Avoid excess water. You can use a clean mop to soak water from the floor and carpet after the cleaning. 
  • Shake out mats outside and wash them if possible. 
  • A steam cleaner is effective for deep cleaning floors and carpets. Nonetheless, you should check product labels regarding cleaning instructions. 

You had better gather necessary cleaning supplies for cleaning beforehand. This makes the job easier. 

Deep Clean the Bathroom

Your guests may have used the bathroom. The increased number of traffic can cause some mess there. It’s better to deep clean the place for hygiene and health. You can start with the sink. Wipe down the countertop with disinfectant. Scrub the faucets and clean the mirror with glass cleaner. Don’t forget about the bathtub and shower. Scrub the grout line with a brush. Mop the trash bin and replace towels with fresh ones. Check and restock toilet paper and soap if needed. You can finish the cleaning with an air freshener. This will keep the bathroom fresh and welcoming. 

Prioritise Sanitising Every Surface

You must not forget to mention satisfaction in your cleaning checklist for parties. It’s crucial for your safety and your family’s health.  Use disinfectant wipes to wipe down tables, chairs, sofas, and other furniture. Pay attention to high-touch areas as they are likely to contain the most germs. You need to clean countertops and appliances. Sanitise door handles, knobs, light switches, and other areas. It reduces the spread of germs and bacteria. 

Check on Windows, Blinds, Walls, and Curtains

It might not be intentional, but accidental spills can happen. Your curtains, blinds, and windows can get stains. Start with windows. Use dish soap and fresh water to clean them. Wipe down the blinds with a damp cloth. Check for smudges and dirt. For curtains, wash or vacuum as needed. Is there any stain on the wall? Be careful with them. You need to blot the spill with a clean cloth and avoid rubbing. This will prevent the stain from spreading. Use a mild detergent mixed with water. Gently scrub the area with a soft cloth. Rinse with clean water and blot dry. 

Run A Final Inspection 

Once you have done everything on the list, check the list again. Make sure nothing has gone missing. Inspect all areas and look for faults. If found, sort them out quickly. Once satisfied, you must take a proper shower to refresh yourself after the hard work.

Deep Clean the Kitchen and Pantry

How to Reduce Party Mess?

A little planning can help you reduce post-party mess. Take the following actions to enjoy an easy party cleanup. 

Fix A Party Area

It’s better not to make your full house a party zone. This will make the cleaning process much more difficult. Besides, the party itself might not be fun either. Choose any area that can accommodate your guests comfortably. Yet, visitors and guests may want to wander off for a break. Encourage them not to go to other rooms with food and drink. Instead, guide them to outdoor space for a walk. 

Instruct about the Trash Disposal

Show everyone where to put the waste. Set up clearly labelled trash and recycling bins. Place them in easily accessible spots. You should keep track and change or empty the bins frequently during the party. 

Set A Separate Eating Area

Having two dedicated areas for partying and eating is actually quite helpful. It keeps people who are eating safe from people who are having fun. Place trash and recycling bins near the eating area. Putting a sign can help if it’s a big party. Ask your guests politely not to take food to the partying zone. This will save you from spills and stains. 

Pack Leftovers for Guests

Pack some food for the guests. It will reduce the amount of leftovers and reduce food waste. It’s also a good practice to keep the environment safe and healthy. According to the DCCEW, food waste accounts for about 3% of Australia’s annual greenhouse gas emissions.

Avoid Serving Messy Foods

Consider Minimising the number of drink items to reduce spills. You can also try serving dishes with minimal sauce or dressing. Ask your guests to use a container to avoid spills. You can offer containers and napkins to prevent spills. 

Tidy Up the Furniture Items

Should You Hire A Professional Service?

Party cleaning is a lot of work. Let’s be honest about it. You can enjoy the moments with friends and family. However, it’s not rare for you to feel tired and clumsy after holiday parties. Cleaning becomes an afterthought in such cases. Besides, you may not have the necessary tools and expertise for cleaning. Therefore, it’s a better option to hire professional cleaners. 

Professionals handle all types of messes, from deep cleaning carpets to sanitising bathrooms. They have the right tools and cleaning products. With their years of experience, they know what method will be ideal for different types of cleaning. 

Final Words 

You don’t necessarily have to struggle with after-party cleaning. Make some planning beforehand and be alert during the party. Follow the above-mentioned tips for easy cleanup. However, for more convenience and better results, hire professional services at Affordable Cleaning and Gardening Services. Our service is available all over Sydney. We have been helping people to clean up the party mess for over twenty years with eco-friendly solutions. From the kitchen to party areas, the bathroom, and other affected areas, we offer deep cleaning for your satisfaction.