
How to Clean Your Stainless Steel Sink with Baking Soda

Stainless steel sinks are a popular choice for many kitchens because of their durability, ease of cleaning, and modern look. However, even stainless steel can show signs of wear over time, with hard water stains, grease buildup, and discolouration occurring. Luckily, you can make your stainless steel sink look like new again with a simple homemade cleaning solution of baking soda. Baking soda is a mild abrasive that will help remove stains and residue without scratching the surface of your sink. Follow these easy steps to get your stainless steel sink sparkling clean with baking soda.

Gather Your Supplies

You’ll need just a few simple ingredients to whip up this homemade stainless steel cleaner:

  • Baking soda
  • Warm water
  • Dish soap
  • Sponge or cleaning cloth
  • Small bowl

Make sure you have enough baking soda on hand to thoroughly cover the bottom of your sink. About 1/4 to 1/2 cup should do the trick for most standard sinks. You’ll also need some warm water to create a paste consistency. Just a splash of dish soap helps boost cleaning power.

Make a Paste with Baking Soda

Start by pouring about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of baking soda into a small bowl, depending on the size of your sink. Slowly add just enough warm water to form a spreadable paste, stirring constantly. Add just a drop or two of dish soap and mix thoroughly.

You want the consistency to be spreadable but not runny. Adjust the amount of water as needed to achieve a thick paste.

Spread the Paste Over Sink Surface

Use the sponge or cloth to spread the baking soda paste evenly over the bottom and sides of your stainless steel sink. Make sure to coat the entire surface, including hard to reach spots around the drain and along the inner rim.

Press down gently with the sponge or cloth to help the paste penetrate and lift stains. Leave the paste on for several minutes to allow it time to work.

Let It Sit Briefly

Once the baking soda paste has been spread over your entire sink, let it sit for 2-5 minutes. This gives the baking soda time to break down and dissolve grease, grime, and stains. Don’t let the paste sit for too long though, as you don’t want it to dry out.

Scrub Away Stains

After letting it sit, grab your sponge or cloth and gently scrub the surface of your sink. Use light circular motions to lift dirt and buildup. Make sure to scrub any heavily stained or discoloured areas extra well. Rinse thoroughly with warm water when finished scrubbing.

Rinse Your Sink

Once you’ve scrubbed your entire sink with the baking soda paste, rinse the sink thoroughly with warm water. This washes away any residue and lifts off debris that was broken up by the baking soda.

Continue rinsing until the water runs clear. Use a fresh, clean sponge or cloth to wipe away excess water. Your sink should now look refreshed and renewed!

Finish with a Shine

For an extra shine, buff your stainless steel sink dry with a microfibre cloth or towel after rinsing away the baking soda paste. This helps remove any remaining water spots and really makes your sink gleam.

You can also consider applying a small amount of olive oil to act as a protective barrier after cleaning. Just rub in a thin layer with a paper towel or soft cloth. Wipe away any excess. This optional step helps repel new water spots.

Maintain Results

To keep your stainless steel sink looking pristine after your baking soda cleaning session, be sure to:

  • Stay on top of regularly cleaning your sink
  • Use a sink-specific protector/polisher product weekly
  • Avoid leaving wet sponges, cloths or cleaning pads sitting in the sink
  • Rinse thoroughly after washing produce to avoid stains
  • Wipe up spills as soon as they happen to prevent buildup

With proper maintenance and occasional deep cleans with baking soda, you can enjoy spotless stainless steel for years to come.

FAQs About Cleaning a Stainless Steel Sink with Baking Soda

How often should I clean my stainless steel sink with baking soda?

For routine cleaning, scrub your sink weekly with baking soda. For a deeper clean to tackle stubborn stains and buildup, use baking soda paste 1-2 times per month.

Can I use vinegar instead of baking soda?

It’s best to avoid vinegar, as it can damage and corrode stainless steel over time. Baking soda is a mildly abrasive cleaner that is safe for use on all stainless steel.

What ratio of baking soda to water should I use?

Use approximately 1/4 to 1/2 cup baking soda per sink basin, then slowly add just enough warm water to form a spreadable paste. Too much water will make the paste runny.

Can I use lemon instead of dish soap?

Yes, fresh lemon juice can help cut through grease. Use about 2 tablespoons lemon juice in place of the dish soap in the recipe.

Should I scrub with the grain or against the grain of the steel?

Always scrub gently with the grain of the brushed finish to avoid damaging the surface. Scrubbing against the grain can create tiny scratches.