
House Cleaning Service Pricing: What to Expect and How to Budget

Tidying up your nest, whether it’s a cosy flat in Melbourne’s laneways or a sprawling Queenslander in sunny Brisbane, doesn’t just mean a quick flick of the duster. Sometimes, calling in the pros is the go – but how much will it set you back? Here’s the lowdown on what to expect and how to budget for house cleaning services down under.

Pricing Structures: What’s the Go?

First up, it’s key to know that cleaning services can charge in a couple of different ways. You might come across per-hour rates or a fixed price. The hourly rate is pretty straightforward – you’re billed for the time the cleaners spend in your home. Across Australia, you’re looking at anywhere from $25 to $50 per hour, depending on where you live and the level of service.

Fixed prices, though, are a bit different. This is where the cleaning company gives you a set rate for the job, regardless of how long it takes. This is often based on the size of your home and the type of cleaning you need.

Factors Influencing the Cost

Several factors can make the price go up or down. The size of your place is a biggie – a one-bedder in the city won’t cost as much as a four-bedroom house in the suburbs. Then there’s the type of cleaning. Are we talking a regular tidy-up or a full-on spring clean? Special requests, like eco-friendly products or dealing with pet hair, might also bump up the price.

Regular Service vs One-Off Cleans

Choosing between regular cleaning and one-off services can also affect your budget. Regular gigs often come at a discounted rate compared to one-off deep cleans. Think about what you need: a weekly spruce-up or a once-off blitz for a special occasion?

How to Budget for Cleaning Services

Budgeting for cleaning services means looking at your overall expenses and seeing where cleaning fits in. If you’re getting regular cleaning, it becomes a fixed part of your monthly expenses. For one-offs, it’s more about planning ahead for that extra spend.

Hidden Costs to Watch Out For

Be on the lookout for hidden costs. Some services might charge extra for travel, especially if you’re a fair way out of the city centre. Others might have fees for bringing their own cleaning supplies.

Quality vs Cost: Striking the Right Balance

Remember, the cheapest option isn’t always the best. A good clean can make your home feel like new, but a dodgy job just adds stress. Check reviews and ask around to find a reliable service that gives you bang for your buck.

Eco-Friendly Options

More and more Aussies are keen on eco-friendly cleaning options. These might come at a premium, but for many, it’s worth it for the peace of mind.


In sum, there’s a fair bit to think about when it comes to house cleaning service pricing. But with a bit of know-how, you can find a service that fits your needs and your budget. Speaking of which, if you’re in Parramatta and looking for a top-notch clean, give Affordable Cleaning and Gardening Services a bell. They’ve got the skills, the license, and the insurance to make your place sparkle.


What’s the average hourly rate for house cleaning in Australia?

In Oz, you’ll typically be looking at $25 to $50 per hour, but it can vary based on your location and the service level.

Is it cheaper to hire a cleaner regularly or for one-off cleans?

Regular cleaning services often offer a discount compared to one-off appointments.

What factors can increase the cost of a house cleaning service?

Things like your home’s size, the type of cleaning, and any special requests (like eco-friendly products) can up the price.

Are there any hidden costs I should be aware of?

Keep an eye out for extra charges like travel fees or costs for cleaning supplies, especially if the service isn’t local.