
6 Essential Steps to Clean and Maintain Limestone Floors

Limestone floors add elegance and charm to any home. With soft, natural tones and intricate fossil patterns, limestone provides a unique living space that feels both classic and contemporary. However, without proper care, limestone floors can lose their lustre. By following these essential maintenance steps, you can keep your limestone floors looking beautiful for years to come.

Sweep and Dust Regularly

The first step in caring for limestone floors is regular sweeping and dusting. This helps prevent dirt and debris from building up. Use a soft-bristle broom or microfiber dust mop daily to remove surface dust and dirt. Avoid using a vacuum with a beater bar, as this can scratch the limestone over time. Gentle sweeping and dusting keep the stone free of abrasive particles that can wear down the surface.

Wash with pH-Neutral Cleaner

About once a week, clean the floors with a pH-neutral stone cleaner. Limestone has a porous, alkaline composition that can be damaged by acidic or harsh cleaners. A specially formulated neutral cleaner will lift dirt without stripping away the stone’s naturally protecting oils. Mix the cleaner in warm water per the product directions. Use a lightly dampened mop to wash the floors, rinsing often. Avoid excessive water, as moisture can seep into pores and cause stains. Thoroughly dry the floor after cleaning.

Seal the Stone

Sealing is crucial for protecting limestone floors. Sealer fills microscopic pores that are vulnerable to spills and dirt. Choose an impregnating sealer specially made for limestone. Impregnating sealers soak into the stone for durable, long-lasting protection. Apply 2-3 thin coats as directed, allowing each coat to fully dry before applying the next. Re-apply sealer every 1-2 years or as needed, based on wear. Properly sealing limestone creates an invisible barrier against moisture damage.

Address Spills Quickly

Even with routine sealing, limestone floors are prone to staining. Acidic substances like wine, coffee and fruit juice can etch the stone if left too long. Immediately wipe up spills to prevent permanent discolouration. For dried stains, use a pH-neutral poultice designed for limestone. The poultice pulls ingrained stains out from the stone pores. Follow product instructions carefully. Avoid abrasive scrubbing, as this can damage the limestone surface.

Use Mats and Area Rugs

Foot traffic inevitably brings in dirt that can compromise the limestone’s appearance. Use mats outside and inside entryways to trap dirt and debris. Area rugs in high-traffic zones also limit wear. Move rugs occasionally and clean them below them to prevent uneven fading. Use rug pads and frequently clean rugs to prevent grinding dirt into the stone. Proper matting reduces abrasion from sand, grit and other damaging particles.

Professional Deep Cleaning

Even with diligent at-home care, limestone floors benefit from professional deep cleaning every 1-2 years. Over time, the sealer wears away, microscopic debris accumulates and stains set in. A qualified stone maintenance company has powerful suction equipment to thoroughly clean pores and remove all traces of dirt and deteriorated sealer. They can then re-seal the floors for a refreshed, like-new appearance. Routine professional cleanings preserve the integrity of the stone and maintain the floor’s lustrous shine.

The Beauty of Limestone Worth the Effort

Limestone floors require some regular upkeep to maintain their natural radiance and unique patterns. By sweeping, washing with pH-neutral cleaners, sealing, addressing spills promptly and using protective mats, you can keep your limestone floors looking stunning. An occasional professional deep cleaning restores beauty lost over time. Caring properly for limestone floors ensures this elegant, distinctive stone retains its visual appeal for years of enjoyment.

At Affordable Cleaning Services, we are limestone floor care experts. As a leading cleaning company serving Parramatta for over 20 years, we are highly experienced in maintaining the beauty of limestone and all types of natural stone. Our insured and bonded cleaners use environmentally safe products and state-of-the-art equipment to deeply clean and protect your floors. For instant quotes on professional limestone floor cleaning and maintenance, call our friendly team today.

FAQ About Caring for Limestone Floors:

What is the best way to regularly clean limestone floors?

For routine cleaning, use a pH-neutral stone cleaner formulated for limestone. Mix the cleaner with warm water and wash floors with a lightly dampened mop. Avoid flooding the stone with excessive moisture. Thoroughly dry the floor after washing.

How often should you seal a limestone floor?

Sealing limestone floors every 1-2 years is recommended. For high-traffic areas, reapply the sealer annually. Use an impregnating sealer made specifically for limestone. Properly sealing the stone prevents stains and moisture damage.

Can you use vinegar to clean limestone floors?

No, vinegar is too acidic for limestone. The acid can etch and erode the stone over time. Always use a gentle, pH-neutral cleaner specifically designed for natural stone like limestone. Never use vinegar, lemon juice, or other acids.

What kind of mops are safe for cleaning limestone?

Use a soft microfiber mop head or string mop when washing limestone floors. Avoid stiff-bristle brooms or brushes that could abrasively scratch the surface. A lightly dampened soft mop safely lifts dirt without damaging the stone.